As from 15 December 2015, tenders can be submitted for EU subsidies in the amount of HUF 10-130 million with a subsidy intensity of even 60% for the development of prototypes, products, technology and services. Even start-up companies may participate in the innovation tender. Bids may be submitted as from 15 December. With the help of this tender, small and medium-sized enterprises can finance even 60% of the costs of their development projects. The following costs associated with the development of new or improved products, procedures or services will be among the eligible costs that can be charged to the subsidies: costs of product development, business planning, strategic planning, market research, market and competitor analysis, international validation, putting products on the market, participation in exhibitions, protection of industrial property, assets and intangible assets (know-how, licence, patents etc.). Subsidies will be eligible in all regions of the country except for Budapest and Pest County with a variable but a maximum of 60% intensity.



Capital Services

A full-day conference on employment was organised by HR Portal and KRS Attorneys-at-Law on 24 May 2016 at the Glass Hall of MÜPA (Palace of Arts) in Budapest. The most leading experts in all areas of employment made presentations and also answered to the questions of the audience.